Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Tom Engrav

From: Minnesota

Bio: Big computer user. Big internet user. Love them both.

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: General, Overarching Remarks

Headline: The Internet: Every Aspect of Our Lives

Nutshell: Just about anything you can think of is related to the internet in some way.


With the help of Wi-Max and other far reaching Wi-Fi technologies, anthing from toilets to vehicles to backpacks to beds to street signs to clothes to notebooks to will be combined with the internet. With worldwide coverage, you will be able to go to any single spot in the world and be able to surf the net. Also, in the far future, the internet will exist in space, maybe being called the outernet. Once colonies are on Mars, we will be able to chat with them as if they are right next door. Communication will grow forever with the internet.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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