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Name: Stephen Kagan
Bio: Writer, father, IT support Technician
Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator
Topic: Information Infrastructure
Headline: Interface
Nutshell: Even the trees will whisper in networks of information with very small voices.
Vision:The seeming division between technology and nature, between human and machine will dissolve into a wonderous labyrinth of questions within questions. Greater control will unfortunately deepen the illusion of complete knowledge when what we will most need is wisdom. A seamless integration will evolve between genetic and subsentient digital constructs through nano augmentation.
As the internet becomes increasingly multi-modal it will become increasingly mythological and dominated by popular and competing paradigms. Memes will become part of the common language. The virtual will also no longer be confined to an interior experience. When you walk down the street you will be submersed within a jungle of information growing upon, pulsing within and leaking out of everything like grass growing up between the cracks in the pavement.
We will need more than web browsers to search information. A new generation of meta information will evolve to filter and structure information into different paradigms inevitably influenced by the military industrial complex, political affilation and religion.
Mega corporate alliances will emerge and we will be card carrying members. Will you belong to Costco/Burger King/GM/United Aitlines or Walmart/McDonalds/Starbucks/Ford/American Airlines?
The seeming division between technology and nature, between human and machine will dissolve into a confluence of memes.
Date Submitted: November 10, 2004
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