Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Michael Orell

From: Georgia

Bio: Work for an Internet technology company

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Global Relationships/Politics

Headline: Redistribution of wealth

Nutshell: With the Internet reaching every corner of the globe, the MTVing of all societies will divide generations and create a massive redistribution of wealth from industrial to third-world nations.


The Internet, with all its good points, is full of the base elements of society, from porn to bomb-making advice. With this content being effectively "pushed" to each Internet user, the naivety that keeps cultures from banging on the door of capitalism and consumer greed is lifted, they will want more and more of the "good life." To assist in this, these cultures have access to all the tools they need to create this life for themselves – online education and virtual workspaces – enabling now corporate- (not domestic-) based companies to save substantial costs of doing business. The net effect will be a dramatic redistribution of wealth around the world from the industrialized nations to the third world. As this happens, older generations will cling more and more to their conservative roots while the younger, more irreverent generation will cling more and more to the greed that consumes a capitalistic society.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004

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