Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Jared

From: Missouri

Bio: Old enough to remember before the internet, young enough to grow up with it.

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Community/Culture

Headline: Obesity, Here We Come

Nutshell: The internet is going to cause us to never have a reason to leave the house. You can live an entire life within four walls.


During my freshman year of college I wrote a term paper on the possibility of internet dependency. Now, the internet was nothing new by any means at that time, but it wasn’t the dominant force it is today. For the paper, I enlisted the help of my psychology professor. You know what he told me? That internet dependency wouldn’t be a problem because the internet was just a fad and it would fade away. I was flabbergasted that someone with any type of education could be that short-sighted.

I love the internet and use it everyday and learn that it has new capacities every day. But I do think that it is going to be a problem where people/consumers will never have to leave the home or room.

A great example is in my home we have a wireless network set up so we can use the laptops anywhere in the house. My wife will IM me from the kitchen to tell me that dinner is ready. I discourage it whenever possible.

Date Submitted: November 10, 2004