Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: thomas harvey

From: Arkansas

Bio: been "online" since 1982

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: Too Much Info

Nutshell: The internet will bog down to a slow crawl.


Obtaining answers today is no quicker than those I received through arpanet 20 years ago. The technology has improved tremendously but the sheer volume of information available is light years ahead of any technology that can make use of it. The volume of information, inadequate search engines, the "common" people’s lack of search-techo-savvy, and the advent of more sophisticated pranksters hijacking/denying systems will cause the internet buzz to peter out. Techno-whizzes (i.e. military and research centers) will develop their own "secret society-net" in order to continue works of national interest.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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