Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Lorne Campbell

From: Virginia

Bio: First used internet in 1989, my 1st webpage was text!

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Technology

Headline: A World on Power on One Small, Portable Device

Nutshell: I believe technology will evolve to provide one small device, wirelessly linked to the world, an "omni-coder."


The "omni-coder" will be a device that is carried by each and every person in the "technologically advanced" world. It will be a personal computer, carrying all necesary information (school texts, homework, business presentations, personal finances, reading library, movies etc…) anything you could store on a computer. It would be multi-functional, i.e Cell Phone, jukebox, computer, GPS Positioning/directions, language translator etc… Most importantly, this device would be a "personal assistant," voice controlled, prehaps with a personality. When roaming around, the device would be self contained, but it can also be inserted (or wirelessly linked) to other, larger hardware devices when necessary.

Such larger hardware devices may include for instance: When arriving home, the Omni-coder, knows who you are, sets all house functions and features to your preference automatically (thermostat, lighting, TV channels preferred, inventory of the kitchen, and cooking receipies). It may project holigraphic image of your personal assistant. All commands/data told to that P.A, would be stored in the device.

When arriving at work, the same device can be plugged into your work "stall" and all default settings of communal systems would be set to your preferences… ie. Computer interface settings, lighting, thermostat, digital picture frames. etc… This would mean it doesn’t matter where a person worked – because they could take all their information with them wherever they were.

Lastly, the Omnicoder Assistant would serve as a coach, instructor and secretary for all human interactions necessary. It could schedule dinner with friends (or with their Assistants), could encourage you loudly to do another 10 reps in the gymn… it could coach you in Spanish vocabulary…

The term "omni-coder" I use here, I first heard while watching an episode of "Twilight Zone." There, the box was given to each child after passing an intelligence test – and was seen as a right of passage. I believe this Omnicoder Assistant will become as essential to all people, just as the computer, cellphone and TV is.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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