Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Steve

From: Maryland

Bio: Web Analyst

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Getting, Sharing Information

Headline: We are the Borg

Nutshell: Everyone on Earth will have access to technology that will allow wireless communication, any time, any place.


As WiMax coverage areas increase, the drive for technology miniaturization will allow us to have instant access to communications, information and entertainment from anywhere in the world. Today’s wireless cell phone headsets will be replaced by even smaller devices that we can wear all of the time without even noticing that they are there.

Imagine a day where you can find the answer to questions immediately without having to drive home and look them up.

Imagine enjoying a day in the park and still being able to check in with the video monitors in your home.

Need directions? Built-in GPS will instantly pinpoint where you are and guide you to your destination, even when you are walking.

Watch this morning’s news while waiting for your flight.

It’s all possible now, but the technology and quality of service just aren’t there yet.

My biggest fear though is that this wonderful, less-stressed future will be overburdened by pop-up ads and junk mail. Hopefully, there will someday be strict laws against being pushed any unrequested information.

Could you imagine what would happen if your call to 911 was interrupted every 10 seconds by advertising? And I don’t even want to think about what conversations between my family and I would be like with constant interruptions about discounts on Viagra and where to get Penis Enlargement Supplements.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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