Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Bill Buffam

From: Pennsylvania

Bio: Internet user, Webmaster, VOIP user, get-rid-of-the-paper bigot

Area of Expertise: Technology Developer/Administrator

Topic: Getting, Sharing Information

Headline: Rich Virtual Relationships

Nutshell: Everyone, whether individual or group, will be able to have rich interactions and relationships with everyone else, and will be able to easily find those they will want to have such relationships with.


First there was a text-only internet. Then we added graphics. Then audio and video. Now we are on the cutting edge of haptic interfaces (where you can virtually feel the shape and texture of simulated objects). And there will be continue to be user-interface advances beyond that.

This continuing enhancement of virtual reality will vastly enrich the interactions and relationships we can conduct in cyberspace (do we still use that word?).

Moreover, next-generation capability evolving from search engines will allow us to find, and be non-intrusively referred to, kindred spirits in whatever domains we are passionate about or merely interested in. Social networks will grow organically through these infrastructural connection mechanisms.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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