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Name: Captain Sillybones
From: District of Columbia
Bio: Virtual liar, which is almost the truth.
Area of Expertise: Pioneer/Originator
Topic: Global Relationships/Politics
Headline: Sun Shines Out of You Know What!
Nutshell: Corporations get farther away from consumers, Consumers continue to steal as much as they can.
Vision:Advertising continues to grow until most of any possible work on the internet slows to a near standstill. Meanwhile, Net users continue to use the internet to share those things that corporations want to charge people for.
Users will hack into VoIP services, and the next wave of phone pheaking will grow. More Net services will be added and they will continue to be hacked til their profitablity shirnks to the point that only the continued ad growth can support their cost.
Evetually the net will splinter into sub-nets that will each have it’s own purpose. A education network, a government network, and commercial network, each with separate access methods and charges.
It is a bleak, bleak future.
Date Submitted: November 11, 2004
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