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Name: Gus Wilson
Bio: IT Undergraduate
Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant
Topic: Communication
Headline: 20/20 Memory
Nutshell: Anytime/anywhere global access to friends/information.
Vision:With the availability of processing power and cheap high-res displays enabling the full use of the web anywhere, more and more people will be enabled for information access, anytime. Think about it, already I google for a lot of things that I don’t know when I am at my PC, and in ten years I see myself doing exactly the same but on the move.
At the moment with mob phones, WAP and GPRS technology are like the way things were 10 years ago when phones where the size of house bricks. I see this technology coming into its own in ten years, as moors law bring us the power of todays machines into our palms and advances in LCD technolgy making flexible, easy to store displays. This is easy enough to predict, the big question will be whether equal advances in input devices such as voice, and battery power will be in the same league.
Date Submitted: November 11, 2004
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