Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: CJ Powling

From: California

Bio: Internet user. Work in IT doing pr for internet company.

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: General, Overarching Remarks

Headline: Cyborging Cures Carpal Tunnel

Nutshell: Wearable computing integrates all conceivable tech to the human body.


Already, there’s that monkey that can control the joystick with its mind, disabled people can type on a screen with their thoughts… There are wearable computers with screens that hang in front of the users eye.

Combine those, and change the screen into a contact lens. So you have a visual interface controlled by your thoughts. Any hardware can be implanted under your skin. It’ll be so small by the time this takes off that the implant won’t be a health concern. Eliminate the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and carpal tunnel.

Now add every conceivable current and future capability of your phone/pda/laptop… etc. to your body. Big cities are already going wireless, eventually the globe will be connected.

You can increase your memory by integrated artificial memory to your natural (brain) memory. Enough memory in one person to record 100 lifetimes worth of all the senses.

Add nanotechnology to the mix to monitor what’s left of your mortal body… Automatically contact doctors for diagnosis and treatment, medicine arrives whereever you are whenever you need it… You don’t even need to know about it.

GPS implants + contact lens screen lets you always know where you are and where you’re going. Mapquest in your head. It’s 10 p.m., and you know where your children are just by thinking about them. You can see what they see through their contact lenses. Hide and seek is going to suck…

Program your dreams. Try out other people’s dreams as if you were renting a movie. Record and replay your dreams for your friends so you no longer have to annoy them with your half-assed descriptions of your boring dreams.

Make money just sitting there, buying/selling stock, gambling.

Your senses will be fully integrated. Living Entertainment. Imagine where porn is going… sickly advanced. No more theatres or screens, you just download whatever you want to see directly to your memory and enjoy.

I don’t like where this is going, I’m not going to get one of these contact lens cyborg systems put in my body, but it’ll catch on,

In the future, flying cars will seem like a bad idea after they start falling from the sky and landing on crowds of people, farts will still be funny, people will still do drugs, still mistrust the government, still have lots of sex and everybody’s going to have lots and lots of robots, large and small.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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