Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Brian Hughes

From: Wisconsin

Bio: Activision Quality Assurance

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Technology

Headline: The Network Will Bind Us

Nutshell: We will go about our day not realizing we are even using the internet, and it will be greatly interwoven within our lives.


The internet will turn out to be more than visiting a site and checking out the baseball stats. In the future, most devices will interact with the internet itself, or with a device which interacts with the internet. Whether it be an E-Book cookbook that downloads new recipes, to your fan monitoring the weather in your area. Everything will just be connected in one way or another, and will force the internet to go one step further than what it currently is.

Speed will easily increase 10-fold within the next few years, new technologies will guarantee it, and some should be cheaper than our current "high end" internet.

The internet will eventually need to be re-organized however to accomplish this, which I believe a lot of companies are starting to work on right now. Soon even vacuums will have access to the internet, maybe to download blueprints of your house so it knows the boundaries automatically.

I believe that if society can monitor and discipline itself, than easily the internet will be the most-used tool we will have. It will become more of a side-thought.

Date Submitted: November 11, 2004

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