Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: James VanDette

From: New York

Bio: law student, computer enthusiast and long time internet addict

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Communication

Headline: Internet is everywhere

Nutshell: The internet will be available everywhere; wirelessly. Nationwide networks will emerge and, as computer technology advaces, the need for the traditional "computer" will fade.


Wireless networks will grow and become as expansive as cell phone networks. Almost everything electronic will be linked to the internet. TVs, phones, computers, PDA’s will all be linked. A person will constantly have any information needed right on hand. Cell phones will be as powerful as today’s desktops and internet kiosks will replace today’s phone booths.

The speed of the internet will greatly increase, too. DVD will be able to be downloaded as quickly as MP3s are currently downloaded. Because of this incresed speed, the internet will have databses of any show or movie you desire. A user would simply scroll through a list and have any television show or movie ever made sent to his ir her television, cell phone, or PDA.

Since download rates will increase so greatly, the need for traditional computers will diminish. A person’s home computer will act as a server for their personal network. Every file a person has on his/her main computer will be able to be sent to the device they are using. This will greatly reduce the size of laptops because all information will be streaming to your device and hard-drive sizes can be relatively smaller than a person’s home computer.

Date Submitted: November 12, 2004

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