Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Paul Eulette

From: Georgia

Bio: Undergraduate Student, who spends more time than appropriate on the internet :^P

Area of Expertise: Author/Editor/Journalist

Topic: Communication

Headline: Advancements and Innovations of Internet Communication

Nutshell: The future of the internet will allow businesses and common people to interact more diversly and efficiently than ever imagined.


The internet is growing every day unseen by the average users eye. Out there somewhere, individuals and groups of people are tweaking and tinkering with the limits of the internet to provide us with more convenient ways to interact in our society as a whole.

The main aspect of the internet that will surpass all other areas is the area of communications. Being able to place and receive calls, faxes, video, any form of media over the internet will allow businesses and people to work with each other easier than ever imagined.

We will soon see technology that will let us view three dimensions online; images will be brought to life infront of us. Board meetings, classes, recipes eBay! Everything.

Families will be able to see loved ones from miles away as if they are in their living rooms. Professors can interactively teach economics from Wall Street while the class is in Wyoming!

No one knows the exact direction the advancements will take us, but it is obvious that the internet is based and shall continue to grow upon its foundation in communications.

Date Submitted: November 12, 2004

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