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Name: thawes 51
Bio: I am in the business of making the world a safer place
Area of Expertise: Legislator/Politician/Lawyer
Topic: Communication
Headline: Communication as the key for the global world
Nutshell: If we seize the opportunities ahead of us, worldwide communication may solve many of the issues now facing us!
Vision:Our world nowadays is torn in segments. We see annihilation, estrangement, misunderstanding, suspicion & hatred as prime movers of thought on the net. Why is that? People all over the world share the same hopes and dreams, regardless of sex, race or religion. There is an old American classic song that advises us to "accentuate the positive & eliminate the negative"; it seems simple, but that’s exactly where it’s at!
I, as an atheist, can easily fulminate against any and all religions, stating that most killings in this world can be put on the slate of any religion.
This may or may not be true, but that’s irrelevant! What is relevant is that this statement will most certainly be offensive to people with a religious background: it’s accentuating the negative!
I can also look at religion from the point of view of "love thy neighbor": all religions preach to be good to your fellow man.
What we see on the net is that "hate" seems more popular than "love." This way, the world will fall apart and the grizly thruth is that the winners will be the today loosers. That would be Dylan’s "the times they are-a-changing" in reverse!
So use the web wisely; we need to get our act and the world together. It is less hard than it seems and it starts with not listening to most of our leaders, as their interests are in the status quo! Ours should be different: we know! If we don’t live together, we don’t live at all!
This keg of gunpowder we call our world has but one way to survive: defuse! To defuse means to communicate from a positive starting point. WWW is our first (and probably last) chance to reconcile the people of this world, and thus let the world go on existing!
Date Submitted: November 13, 2004
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