Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Albert Meyers

Bio: University professor against corrupt politicians

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Global Relationships/Politics

Headline: Political power to the people

Nutshell: Use internet to vote corrupt politicians out, make political parties obsolete, and neutralize campaign funding by giving non-party candidates an even playing field.


For example, by answering a yes/no survey on "Would you vote for Colin Powell as a write-in candidate for president if you thought he would win?" and had a visible counter, voters would know how many votes Powell would get. Their votes would be a self-fulfilling prophecy rather than wasted votes. When the number reaches critical mass,voters would then write-in his name on election day guaranteed that he would win. I e-mailed CNN with the idea shortly before the 2004 election but they never replied. It would have been perfect if CNN used its present yes/no survey technique at the time. The entire CNN and internet audience would have been informed at the same moment and when the counter showed sufficient votes promised could have written-in Powell’s name. All the counter needs to register is the number of "yes" votes and the total number of voters who signed on, even if they did not vote. You don’t need to count "no" votes.

Date Submitted: November 15, 2004

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