Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Michael

From: Massachusetts

Bio: Web database developer

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Information Infrastructure

Headline: Standards and Meta-Data are the next big revolution

Nutshell: Standards and meta-data will govern information sharing and provide a backbone for new methods of human interaction.


Step 1 – Connectivity. This is what the internet has already brought us and will continue to grow with wireless, bluetooth, etc.

Step 2 – Currently nearly all the world’s electronic information is unstructured, non-integrated and time-volatile. When standards and meta-data become the focus, communication, commerce and society will be revolutionized.


– Only seeing ads for relevent products – nearly all marketing will become targeted to qualified leads.

– Never "registering" with any retailer, just providing the personal information key that will link to a persons identity profile.

– Sharing and growing information will become the norm.

– A huge amount of commerce and social interaction will be based on peoples’ preferences, choices, lifestyles, desires, wants, needs and hates, all of which will be captured electronically through common standards. Entire industries will be devoted to products centered around peoples’ choices and selections, and how these interact with other peoples’ interests, business models and lifestyle choices.

Hold your hats, it’s just getting started!

Date Submitted: January 27, 2005

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