Elon University

A vision for the future

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Name: Velimir Lovrinovic

Bio: Internet user, studying information teknik in high school level

Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People

Topic: Technology

Headline: The internet of tomorrow

Nutshell: We will be online all the time.


The internet of the future will be much faster and more people will have access to it. We will be online all the time, sharing information with each other.

You will be able to program all kinds of information directly to your brain.

All the electronic equipment in your house will also be connected to the internet, and these appliances will receive regular updates from the factory for maximum performance. The same thing will go for your car, boat and even lawnmower.

Regular PC users will continue as they always have but with a faster internet. The internet will be all around us – we will have wireless internet everywhere.

It is likely that poor countries won’t be able to afford all the new technology. Even now, the richest countries have fast broadband connections while the poorer of the European countries still use modem connections. In the future, the difference between the rich and the poor countries’ internet speed and connection type will vary a lot.

I think that in the future you will be able to download legal music, movies and games from the internet from high-speed servers for a small fee.

Because the internet encourages information sharing there is a possibility that hackers could get their hands on your confidential information. So the security on the internet will have to be upgraded to be able to protect all the new information from hackers, viruses etc.

By Velimir Lovrinovic IT1C.

Date Submitted: April 4, 2005

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