Elon University

A vision for the future

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From: Maryland

Bio: I have God's gift of insight

Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant

Topic: Community/Culture

Headline: Widespread panic will occur

Nutshell: The systems will crash and we will have no back-up systems.


We live in a world too dependent opon electrical methods of communications. We have no back-up systems in place. I foresee all airports, banks, hospitals, stores, phones, computers failing and all data lost and unreplaceable. No ability to obtain gas to operate transportation. The stock market for USA will crash. Beginning in 2008.

We are currently dealing with a false sense of security and not preparing for this. The collapse will be partly due to terrorists and also due to terrible weather that will bring higher winds than ever recorded and raised water levels, wiping out some areas. It is to our advantage if the internet can create a method of excess by use of battery power stations not connected to electrical systems.

Date Submitted: April 9, 2006

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