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Name: S J McMurray, III
From: New York
Bio: Computer user since 1958, programmer since 1959, elec. engr
Area of Expertise: Futurist/Consultant
Topic: Technology
Headline: It is not necessarily for the good of all
Nutshell: It will, of necessity or choice, exclude too many people because of corporate greed for both money and political power.
Vision:The technology of the web and related computing will continue to develop apace with some notable failures of both the technology and the companies developing it, sometimes because the product(s) in question are flawed, overpriced, inconsiderate of users, and sometimes because of purchaser stupidity (cf. those who bought/continue to buy pcs running Windows and other wretchedly bad products.
Corporations, guided by MBAs who should be lined up and shot, or at least brainwashed of anything they learned in B-school, will continue to do everything wrong by their customers and society at large as long as they can get away with it, running roughshod over human and civil rights, conscience, religious and secular ethical values, the interests of their own employees, the environment, etc., in the name of "maximizing short-term share value."
Maybe, just maybe, before they destroy everything my generation worked so hard for, the peoples of many countries will demand that their governments serve the peoples’ interests rather than those of corporate management neanderthals.
Date Submitted: September 26, 2006
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