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Name: dewanand
Bio: Hindu writer and researcher
Area of Expertise: Author/Editor/Journalist
Topic: Community/Culture
Headline: 2050: Advanced Hindu technology makes India to a superpower
Nutshell: Genetic engineering in India makes superHindus in 2020, and in 2050 they take over world power and make Earth into a paradise.
Vision:In 2020 Hindus develop superhumans in India, who think 100 percent Hinduistic. All evil is banned on earth in 2050 by strong armies of these superHindus, consisting of about 10 billion people, who are far more superior and stronger than whites, blacks and Chinese. The whole Earth will become clean and a paradise. All races will melt together and the whole Earth will become Hindu. In 2100, Hindus will rule the world and all humans will have a good live.
Hindu writer and researcher
reincarnated in 1966 on planet Earth
Date Submitted: September 28, 2006
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