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Name: Jennifer
From: Florida
Bio: College senior, Internet user
Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People
Topic: Privacy
Headline: Transparency will expand by 2020
Nutshell: Aside from the inevitable setbacks in privacy, transparency will prove to be an essential tool for cross-cultural communication.
Vision:By the year 2020, there won’t be any more privacy because all records and information about people will be easily accessible on the Internet. On the other hand, there will be new security and new designs, which will protect people’s information.
Privacy and the invasion of that privacy is an ongoing issue when it comes to technology. No matter how far people will go to protect a source, there is always someone on the other side who’s waiting and able to crack a code or gain access to information unethically or illegally.
Aside from that, transparency is beneficial to our world because it can help to bridge the gaps between different cultures. It can help cultures view their outsiders differently because new information that they might never have thought of before will now be at their fingertips and could potentially help them develop new ideas that they might never have thought of before about other places in the world.
Transparency will ultimately benefit society and bring a new element to international communications.
Date Submitted: February 12, 2008
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