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Name: LisaRyan Crawzich
From: Florida
Bio: college student studying communications
Area of Expertise: Advocate/Voice of the People
Topic: Technology
Headline: No Boundaries
Nutshell: By 2020, most of the world will be connected through the internet in the workplace which will provide equal opportunities for all users.
Vision:By the year 2020 most countries will be connected in the work space through the internet. This will provide an equal playing field for all connected. The internet will serve as a platform for everyday use in businesses to provide more access for their customers and employees. The U.S. and China will be ahead of other countries in using the internet as the ultimate communication and business device. This will erase national and state boundaries in terms of businesses, and access to this network of information will give everyone the equal opportunity for success.
Date Submitted: February 12, 2008
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