Elon University

The 2012 Internet Society Global INET

20th anniversary event focuses on imagining
the future Internet as ISOC aims for access for all 

ISOC Hall PhotoThe Internet Society, home to key organizations in the process of building the Internet and extending its capabilities as billions more people get online and learn, innovate and share, celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2012. ISOC’s mission is “to promote the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world.” Hundreds of policy makers, technologists, government representatives, business executives and civil society leaders discussed the impact of the Internet, past, present and future, at the events of the Global INET conference in Geneva, Switzerland, April 22-24. A multimedia journalism team from the Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University assembled accounts of the major action.

ISOC Hall oF Fame Group Photo* The Inaugural Internet Hall of Fame Induction – exclusive photos, video, more from the private ceremony at which the first class of the ISOC Hall of Fame was honored. Seventeen of the 33 inductees named in 2012 were in attendance.

* PHOTOS: A set of nearly 500 still images recording more than 20 separate INET 2012 events, from panels to keynotes to the Hall of Fame ceremony and the Gala Dinner

Youtube Video Screenshots *  Internet Society Members Share Their Wishes for the Future 
In 50 video clips INET attendees who were in Geneva for the Internet Society’s 20th Anniversary talk about their hopes for the future of the Internet…

See the same set of videos on YouTube: Wishes for the Best Future…

Or you can view a 3-minute film that compiles a small selected set
of these ‘Hopes for the Internet’ and humanity that includes a
music track and credits the video producers.

* FULL WRITTEN ACCOUNTS with hundreds of video clips, photos, Twitter highlights, links to written transcripts and vivid details of the events of the 20th Anniversary Global INET conference in Geneva. 

-Internet Society 20th Anniversary Opening PlenaryOpening Plenary Speaker ISOC

-ISOC 20th Anniversary Opening Keynote Leonard Kleinrock

-ISOC 20th Anniversary Opening Keynote Jimmy Wales

-ISOC 20th Anniversary Opening Keynote Hamadoun Touré

-ISOC 20th Anniversary Opening Keynote Lynn St.Amour

-Governance In An Interconnected World 

-Youth and Social Networking: Redefining Business and Society 

-Contributing to the Global Internet: How the Ecosystem Learns and Grows

-The Rule of Law and the Internet: Is the Online World Different from the Offline One?

-20th Anniversary Awards Reception and Gala Dinner

-Digital Content, Intellectual Property and Innovation

-Harnessing the Internet for Economic TransformationINET Panel Discussion Photo

-Collaboration: The Key Ingredient for Advancing Internet Innovation

-Game Changers: Where Will They Take us by 2032?

-ISOC 20th Anniversary Closing Keynote by Vint Cerf 

-Internet Society 20th Anniversary Closing Plenary

Preliminary events

-Imagining the Future Internet: Collaborative Leadership Exchange

-Global Chapter Workshop at INET 2012

Imagining the Internet Home
Internet Society Home Page

Twitter Logo A selection of Twitter Reports about ISOC’s 20th anniversary INET:

Internet Society celebrating its 20th anniversary this week #ISOC 20 with the Global INET 2012 conference in Geneva

20 years ago Vint Cerf, Bob Kahn and Lyman Chapin laid out the plans for the Internet Society in this article #ISOC 20

Initial organizers of ISOC included the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, EDUCOM and the IAB. #ISOC 20

ISOC is open to free, public participation on all levels, from the general public to Internet engineers #ISOC 20

ISOC hosts multiple INET meetings annually, each with a unique regional focus and a program relevant to communities involved #ISOC 20

The multimedia reporting team for Imagining the Internet at the Internet Society’s 20th Anniversary Global INET Conference included the following Elon University students, faculty and staff:

Jacquie Adams, Dan Anderson, Janna Anderson, Kacie Anderson, Nicole Chadwick, Jeff Flitter, Addie Haney, Brandon Marshall, Brian Meyer, Caitlin O’Donnell, Rachel Southmayd and Rebecca Smith.

Elon ISOC Group PhotoOur thanks to conference participants and hosts for their support of our project’s efforts to explore and provide insights into potential impacts of emerging network innovations, global development, dynamics, diffusion and governance.