Elon University

FutureWeb and WWW2010

FutureWeb conference and global WWW gathering illuminated issues in Raleigh, NC, USA, April 2010

Futureweb graphicFutureWeb  and the global WWW2010 conference, the premiere international conference on Web research, brought together more than 1,000 people at the Raleigh Convention Center for discussions about trends, issues and best practices. Participants ranged from engineers and computer scientists to entrepreneurs, legal experts, academics and policy experts from government and industry.

2010 Raleigh Logo Leaders from Google, the Web Science Trust and Web Foundation, NTIA, Microsoft, EPIC, the Internet Society, Red Hat, Lulu, eBay, the Mozilla Foundation, and the U.S. Executive Office of the President and more top technology organizations participated.

Future of Website Speakers HeadshotsThis section of Imagining the Internet includes written and visual documentation of primary conference sessions – news accounts accompanied by series of video clips. More video will be added in the weeks following the conference.

Among the sessions being documented on this site are:

> WWW2010 opening keynote by Vint Cerf

> WWW2010 keynote panel with Tim Berners-Lee, Andrew McLaughlin, James Hendler, Nigel Shadbolt, Paul Jones and David Ferriero

> FutureWeb Interview: Lee Rainie talks with Tim Berners-Lee and Danny Weitzner

> FutureWeb Interview: Lee Rainie talks with Vint Cerf

> FutureWeb keynote by Lee Rainie of the Pew Internet Project

> WWW2010 second-day keynote by danah boyd

> Future of Social Networks – panel session

> Future of Entrepreneurship – panel session

> FutureWeb Interview: Lee Rainie talks with danah boyd

> Future of Web Analytics – panel session

> Future of Intellectual Property – panel session

> Core Values and the Future of the Internet – panel session

> Future of Interactive Design – panel session

> Future of the Media and the Web – panel session

> FutureWeb Interview: Lee Rainie talks with Doc Searls

> WWW2010 third-day keynote by Carl Malamud

> Future of Print Publishing – Bob Young keynote, talk with Lee Rainie

> Future of Public Health – panel session

> Future of Open Source – panel session

> Future of Privacy – panel session

> Future of Learning – panel session

> FutureWeb Interview: Lee Rainie talks with Marc Rotenberg

The videos and written accounts posted here are just part of an overall documentary effort by Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center at WWW2010 and the FutureWeb conference.

Additional elements include:

Twitter-based live coverage during the conference

FutureWeb Blog near-real-time posts

Flickr FutureWeb photo set

YouTube channel with video clip

Special thanks to FutureWeb speakers – an amazing cross-section of great critical thinkers who are working to implement foresight to assist in making our transition into the Internet age a positive force. We are especially thankful for the contributions of our founding benefactor, Pew Internet Project Director Lee Rainie, who led seven key FutureWeb events.

Special thanks to Kathy Green and Michael Rappa of North Carolina State University and Paul Jones of ibiblio and UNC-Chapel Hill for giving Elon University’s Imagining the Internet project the chance to plan and document this conference.

Elon Future Web 2010 Group PictureVolunteer citizen collaborators made this happen. 

Undergraduate citizen journalists who worked to produce the content from FutureWeb include: Ashley Dischinger, Laura Smith, Kirsten Bennett, Shea Northcut, Morgan Little, Rachel Cieri, Dan Rickershauser, Melissa Kansky, Ashley Barnas, Nick Ochsner, Jack Dodson, Corey Groom, Kassondra Cloos, Laura Ward, Sam Bianchetti, Carolyn Van Brocklin, Tyler Anderson, Jasmine Spencer and Mallory Lane. Event assistance was provided by students Lianna Catino, Ryan Sweeney, Katie Roberts Andrew Creech and Christina Edwards.

Most of these young people started this work in January 2010, while enrolled in COM 375 The Future of the Web, an Elon University course in which they studied issues tied to Web evolution and assisted in the planning of this conference.

They were also assisted at the events by a coalition of Elon staff and supporters. Alumna Olivia Hubert-Allen, staff members Dan Anderson, David Morton, Kim Walker and Colin Donohue were instrumental in the journalism efforts at the events. Elon School of Communications Advisory Board members Lee Rainie and Michael Clemente played important roles as key speakers.

Many additional Elon faculty, administrators and staff also assisted with event support, with key contributions from David Copeland, Maggie Mullikin, Connie Book, Paul Parsons, Don Grady, Brad Berkner, Byung Lee, Jessica Gisclair, Tom Nelson, Rich Landesberg, Phyllis Phillips, Brooke Barnett, Phillip Motley, Lee Bush, Pam Baker, J McMerty, Linda Lashendock, Harlen Makemson, Michelle Ferrier and others.

Students in the university’s Interactive Media master’s program, led by Maria Rojas, planned and carried out a second FutureWeb event geared to educating dozens of area high school students – the Social Media Futures Academy.

Ferrier, with the assistance of Rojas and Melissa Spencer, another iMedia student, took content produced by the COM 375 undergraduate students and populated a separate pre-conference site with details for discussions of futures topics.