Elon University

Internet Governance Forum – USA, 2009

IGF USA Banner Logo

The Internet Governance Forum – USA took place Oct. 2, 2009, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1800 K Street NW, Washington, D.C. The one-day event focused on the changing Internet and the way forward for the international Internet Governance Forum, an initiative that is facilitated by the United Nations.

IGF USA Panel Discussion 2009Imagining the Internet sent a documentary journalism team to cover the event, providing assistance in the live streaming of video for people to participate from remote locations, recording documentary video that was edited into informative 2-to-12-minute clips, and doing live blogging on WordPress and live microblogging on Twitter. Follow these links to access the coverage:

The opening of the IGF-USA event, featuring Larry Strickling and Markus Kummer

The opening plenary keynote by Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project

Respondents to Lee Rainie’s talk share their wisdom, among them, Andrew McLaughlin, Phil Bond, Lee McKnight, Randy Gyllenhaal and Marc Rotenberg

GenNext’s Online Future: Young people speak out on issues in this workshop 

Freedom of Expression in a Web 2.0 World: Tools limited where controls are in place 

Critical Internet Resources: Evolution of the Internet’s Technical Foundations 

Access Perspectives from the United States 

e-Crimes, Fraud and Abuse in the Domain Name System 

Privacy and Security Implications of Web 2.0 

Cybersecurity: A National Priority in a Global Context 

The Final Plenary: Assessing the IGF and the Way Forward 

News from Capitol Hill on the AoC and ICANN 

Twitter Screenshot of Imagining the InternetAdditional coverage, prepared at the event:

–  TheWordPress blog includes comprehensive details from every session, written by Colin Donohue, Morgan Little and Janna Anderson, documentary journalists of the Imagining the Internet Center

– The real-time Twittertweets reported by Imagining the Internet documentary journalists are here

– The main site used by the organizers of the 2009 IGF-USA can be found here