Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

When wallet PCs are ubiquitous, we can eliminate the bottlenecks that now plague airport terminals, theaters, and other locations where people queue to show identification or a ticket. As you pass through an airport gate, for example, your wallet PC will connect to the airport computers and verify that you have paid for a ticket. You won’t need a key or magnetic card key to get through doors either. Your wall PC will identify you to the computer controlling the door.

Predictor: Gates, Bill

Prediction, in context:

In his 1995 book “The Road Ahead,” Microsoft CEO Bill Gates writes: ”When wallet PCs are ubiquitous, we can eliminate the bottlenecks that now plague airport terminals, theaters, and other locations where people queue to show identification or a ticket. As you pass through an airport gate, for example, your wallet PC will connect to the airport computers and verify that you have paid for a ticket. You won’t need a key or magnetic card key to get through doors either. Your wall PC will identify you to the computer controlling the door.”


Bill Gates, the most influential technology entrepreneur of the late 20th century, was the primary author of the prediction-packed 1995 book “The Road Ahead” and is the founder and CEO of Microsoft Corporation. (Entrepreneur/Business Leader.)

Date of prediction: January 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: Information Infrastructure

Subtopic: Internet Appliances

Name of publication: The Road Ahead (book)

Title, headline, chapter name: Chapter 4: Applications and Appliances

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:
Page 75

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Guarino, Jennifer Anne