Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Within the next 20 years, you’ll see over half of the information technology assets moving into the hands of commercially run service utilities. “Outsourcing” is just a name that masks a profound change in the way technology may support the majority of customers in the future. What you see is the end of the craft-guild mode and the beginning of the industrialization of information processing.

Predictor: Strassmann, Paul

Prediction, in context:

In a 1994 article for Computerworld magazine, Paul Strassman writes: ”Within the next 20 years, you’ll see over half of the information technology assets moving into the hands of commercially run service utilities. ‘Outsourcing’ is just a name that masks a profound change in the way technology may support the majority of customers in the future. What you see is the end of the craft-guild mode and the beginning of the industrialization of information processing. Corporations will be able to take their IT budget out of overhead and make it a variable cost, just as labor and materials are now a cost of production. For that they will not need a CIO, but a chief technical officer that will assure enterprise-wide systems integration, because every executive will be a chief information officer. In this way, the CIOs will have succeeded beyond their dreams, though not exactly in the form they originally visualized.”

Date of prediction: September 15, 1994

Topic of prediction: Economic structures

Subtopic: Employment

Name of publication: Computerworld Magazine

Title, headline, chapter name: CIOs Should Get Back to Basics

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Vellucci, Amanda