Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

What might we say … of a time when super-fast computers, singly and together, generate and sustain totally absorbing visual worlds, populated and teeming with avatars and scoundrels and gigantic, dizzying databases tilting like drunken electric pyramids…when, in the silicon banks of machines whirring in stuffy rooms there breathe whole alternative cities, the sites of a delirious new urbanism entire?

Predictor: Benedikt, Michael L.

Prediction, in context:

In a lecture at the “New Urbanism Symposium” at Princeton Oct. 17, 1992, that was also developed into a chapter for the book “The New Urbanism,” Michael Benedikt says: ”What might we say of the coming reality of cyberspace in its yet fuller, Gibsonian expression? What might we say … of a time when super-fast computers, singly and together, generate and sustain totally absorbing visual worlds, populated and teeming with avatars and scoundrels and gigantic, dizzying databases tilting like drunken electric pyramids…when, in the silicon banks of machines whirring in stuffy rooms there breathe whole alternative cities, the sites of a delirious new urbanism entire? … I would also refer the reader to his or her daily newspaper, generally in the Science and Business pages, where the infrastructure of cyberspace can be watched being put into place satellite by satellite, optical cable by optical cable, computer chip by computer chip, interface innovation by interface innovation, software company by software company, and alliance by alliance of global telecommunications, entertainment, and computer corporations. Cyberspace is on its way as surely as a freight train heard two valleys away.”

Date of prediction: October 17, 1992

Topic of prediction: Community/Culture

Subtopic: Virtual Communities

Name of publication: The New Urbanism

Title, headline, chapter name: Cityspace, Cyberspace and The Spatiology of Information

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Boone, Jason Matthew