There may well be hundreds of cyberspace domains someday, with unique cultures and purposes, like countries.
Predictor: Benedikt, Michael L.
Prediction, in context:In a lecture at the “New Urbanism Symposium” at Princeton Oct. 17, 1992, that was also developed into a chapter for the book “The New Urbanism,” Michael Benedikt says:”What we are witnessing is not just the connecting of real places, cityspaces, together – as with plumbing or wiring – but the creation of a new medium entirely where real geographic place is irrelevant … – information in the quantities we will be dealing with, enables the creation of fictional, consistent, wholly electrical ‘third’ spaces, places that exist nowhere and everywhere, whose light shines only in eyes and not on trees or streets … urban space, architectural space, cityspace and abstract space all together… reconstituted, namely as cyberspace. There may well be hundreds of cyberspace domains someday, with unique cultures and purposes, like countries.”
Date of prediction: October 17, 1992
Topic of prediction: Community/Culture
Subtopic: Virtual Communities
Name of publication: The New Urbanism
Title, headline, chapter name: Cityspace, Cyberspace and the Spatiology of Information
Quote Type: Direct quote
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Boone, Jason Matthew