Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

The single all-encompassing organization model is patently folly – it no longer even exists in the telco world … By the end of 1994, there will be more networks outside the U.S. than within – this is a revolution that is occurring around the world. As they are now, I expect (and hope) that these will continue to be specialized, highly active, innovative forums of interested parties. I subscribe to the Dave Clark motto – no kings, but running code … as things continue to scale exponentially, it’s in everyone’s common interest to craft some kind of organizational fabric that maintains the culture of Internet autonomy and innovation and the Clark Motto. I’m proffering the ISOC as one of several potential means of doing that, lest some particular parties form their own global institution(s) (or buy into an existing institution) that doesn’t maintain these Internet traditions.

Predictor: Rutkowski, Anthony

Prediction, in context:

In a discussion thread in the 1993 IETF archive, Internet Society leader Anthony Rutkowski shares his views, writing: ”The Internet Society exists as an international organization with broad common ground that can provide a kind of very loose aegis for the very disaggregated Internet world to the extent that a consensus exists for it to do so. There is absolutely no intent here to be empire building. The single all-encompassing organization model is patently folly – it no longer even exists in the telco world … By the end of 1994, there will be more networks outside the U.S. than within – this is a revolution that is occurring around the world. As they are now, I expect (and hope) that these will continue to be specialized, highly active, innovative forums of interested parties. I subscribe to the Dave Clark motto – no kings, but running code … as things continue to scale exponentially, it’s in everyone’s common interest to craft some kind of organizational fabric that maintains the culture of Internet autonomy and innovation and the Clark Motto. I’m proffering the ISOC as one of several potential means of doing that, lest some particular parties form their own global institution(s) (or buy into an existing institution) that doesn’t maintain these Internet traditions.”


Anthony Michael (Tony) Rutkowski was a lawyer and engineer who was an executive director of the Internet Society during some key years of development in the 1990s. (Technology Developer/Administrator.)

Date of prediction: December 30, 1993

Topic of prediction: Information Infrastructure

Subtopic: General

Title, headline, chapter name: Clarification: ISOC and its Charter

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney