Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

[Expectations include] A network for the exchange of information for industry, governments, public authorities and users … the establishment of international links among existing high-speed data networks in various industrialized countries … access to distance-learning facilities and various sources of knowledge by interconnecting educational institutions, small business resource centers and other institutions … an advanced infrastructure for the interconnection of libraries that will provide an open and global platform for access, manipulation and circulation of digitized information in many forms … the interoperation of networks for open multimedia access to major museums and galleries … infrastructure and information management technologies to address key environmental and natural resource issues of relevance to both developed and developing nations.

Predictor: G7 Pilot Projects

Prediction, in context:

A 1995 article in Government Technology lists the future-thinking projects funded in February 1995 by the G7 countries to address the social, political and technological issues raised by the Information Age. The contents of the projects were, in some ways, predictive. According to the article, they include: * “The Global Inventory Project, which will provide an Internet-based multimedia inventory of information regarding major national and international projects, studies and other data relevant to the promotion and development of knowledge and understanding of the Information Society. This includes a network for the exchange of information for industry, governments, public authorities and users. * “The Global Interoperability for Broadband Networks Project to facilitate the establishment of international links among existing high-speed data networks in various industrialized countries. * “The Cross-Cultural Education and Training Project to offer access to distance-learning facilities and various sources of knowledge by interconnecting educational institutions, small business resource centers and other institutions. *” The Electronic Libraries Project to help create an advanced infrastructure for the interconnection of libraries that will provide an open and global platform for access, manipulation and circulation of digitized information in many forms. * “The Electronic Museums and Galleries Project to ensure the interoperation of networks for open multimedia access to major museums and galleries and create a virtual gallery which would allow the public to interact in real time with museums and galleries. * “The Environment and Natural Resources Management Project will develop information infrastructure and information management technologies to address key environmental and natural resource issues of relevance to both developed and developing nations. * “The Global Emergency Management Project to develop a global information network that will save lives, reduce social disruptions and lessen environmental degradation by improving global emergency response and planning, fostering development of international standards, and facilitating technology transfer to developing nations. * “The Global Healthcare Applications Project to help medical professionals around the world keep abreast of complex developments and increase the use of national and global electronic networks to substantially reduce costs and promote better efficiency in health care. * “The Government Online Project to examine effective and innovative use of information technology to lower costs and improve service delivery. The two key issues of emphasis are replacing paper-based operations with electronic operations and improving electronic access to public information.”

Date of prediction: February 1, 1995

Topic of prediction: General, Overarching Remarks

Subtopic: General

Name of publication: Government Technology

Title, headline, chapter name: Cyberspace 2020: The Future of Cyberspace Will Rely Not on Our Ability to Police it, but on What We Collectively Build There

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Stotler, Larry