When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!
Predictor: Barlow, John Perry
Prediction, in context:The Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Web site ran the following tidbit in various forms in at least two of its online newsletters in 1995. It is a tongue-in-cheek statement by John Perry Barlow, a co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Barlow writes:”When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!””[‘When cryptography is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy!’ ROT-13 encrypted] – John Perry Barlow, EFF co-founder.”
Biography:John Perry Barlow helped found the Electronic Frontier Foundation in 1990 with WELL (Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link) members Mitch Kapor and John Gilmore in direct response to a threat to free speech. Barlow’s was one of the loudest voices in the battle to keep the Internet unfettered while still encouraging that it become a tool available to everyone. (Advocate/Voice of the People.)
Date of prediction: January 1, 1995
Topic of prediction: Communication
Subtopic: Security/Encryption
Name of publication: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Title, headline, chapter name: GovAccess.198.snoops: peeps; spooks; US wiretaps; privy; crypto
Quote Type: Direct quote
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney