The value of information about information can be greater than the value of the information itself. From that and other similar observations, I am willing to project an enormous new industry based on a service that helps navigate through massive amounts of data.
Predictor: Negroponte, Nicholas
Prediction, in context:In a 1994 essay for Wired magazine, Nicholas Negroponte of MIT’s Media Lab writes:”Why do people pay 85 cents to find out whether their one daily lottery ticket won? TV Guide has been known to make larger profits than all four networks combined. What do these things tell you? It says that the value of information about information can be greater than the value of the information itself. From that and other similar observations (American Airlines makes more from its reservation system than from carrying passengers) I am willing to project an enormous new industry based on a service that helps navigate through massive amounts of data.”
Biography:Nicholas Negroponte, a co-founder of MIT’s Media Lab and a popular speaker and writer about technologies of the future, wrote one of the 1990s’ best-selling books about the new future of communications, “Being Digital.” (Pioneer/Originator.)
Date of prediction: January 1, 1994
Topic of prediction: Getting, Sharing Information
Subtopic: General
Name of publication: Wired
Title, headline, chapter name: Less Is More: Interface Agents as Digital Butlers
Quote Type: Direct quote
Page number or URL of document at time of study:
This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney