Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Unlike broadcasting, there’s no regulation of online content. I’ve already seen a virtual-reality ad for Absolut Vodka. How long before kids download animations of dancing cigarettes? For that matter, who’ll be responsible when some 12-year-old tries out the explosives recipe in rec.pyrotechnics and blows off his arm? … Once we provide students with network access, we have little choice but to trust that they’ll use the nets wisely. The best way is to help them along, let them explore and learn on their own. There’ll be lots of wasted time, plenty of sidetracks and an occasional eureka.

Predictor: Stoll, Clifford

Prediction, in context:

In his 1995 book “Silicon Snake Oil,” writer Clifford Stoll shares his take on the Internet’s future implications for children: ”Unlike broadcasting, there’s no regulation of online content. I’ve already seen a virtual-reality ad for Absolut Vodka. How long before kids download animations of dancing cigarettes? For that matter, who’ll be responsible when some 12-year-old tries out the explosives recipe in rec.pyrotechnics and blows off his arm? … Once we provide students with network access, we have little choice but to trust that they’ll use the nets wisely. The best way is to help them along, let them explore and learn on their own. There’ll be lots of wasted time, plenty of sidetracks and an occasional eureka.”


Clifford Stoll was an astrophysicist who also wrote the influential books “Silicon Snake Oil” (1995) and “The Cuckoo’s Egg.” A long-time network user, Stoll made “Silicon Snake Oil” his platform for finding fault with the Internet hype of the early 1990s. He pointed out the pitfalls of a completely networked society and offered arguments in opposition to the hype. (Author/Editor/Journalist.)

Date of prediction: January 1, 1994

Topic of prediction: Community/Culture

Subtopic: General

Name of publication: Silicon Snake Oil

Title, headline, chapter name: On Classrooms, With and Without Computers; Some Basic Astrophysics for the Intrepid

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:
Page 133

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney