Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Even when regulatory intervention requires equal access, disparities in the quality of service typically emerge across borders defined by race and class. Thus, understanding how the information superhighway will come to be built and maintained requires some understanding of what the Information Age is really all about.

Predictor: Gandy, Oscar H.

Prediction, in context:

In this 1994 article in the Phi Kappa Phi journal National Forum, Professor Oscar Gandy uses L. Frank Baum’s story of “Oz” as the underlying metaphoric hook for his concerns about the Internet. Gandy writes: ”Unlike the Yellow Brick Road, which was just there for Dorothy and her friends to follow, the information superhighway has yet to be built … From what we know of the history of telephone and cable services in the United States, these have always been toll roads, and not everyone could gain access with the same level of ease. Even when regulatory intervention requires equal access, disparities in the quality of service typically emerge across borders defined by race and class. Thus, understanding how the information superhighway will come to be built and maintained requires some understanding of what the Information Age is really all about.”

Date of prediction: January 1, 1994

Topic of prediction: Controversial Issues

Subtopic: Digital Divide

Name of publication: National Forum

Title, headline, chapter name: The Information Superhighway as the Yellow Brick Road

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney