Elon University
The prediction, in brief:

Freedom of speech on networks will be promoted by limiting content-based regulations and by promoting competition among providers of network services … The underlying network should essentially be a “carrier” – it should operate under a content-neutral regime in which access is available to any entity that can pay for it. The information and forum services would be “nodes” on this network … Each service would have its own unique character and charge its own rates. … They should not be allowed to change the content of a message or to discriminate among messages. This kind of restriction will require shielding the carriers from legal liabilities for libel, obscenity and plagiarism.

Predictor: Kapor, Mitchell

Prediction, in context:

In a 1991 article for Scientific American, Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder Mitchell Kapor states: ”Freedom of speech on networks will be promoted by limiting content-based regulations and by promoting competition among providers of network services. The first is necessary because governments will be tempted to restrict the content of any information service they subsidize or regulate. The second is necessary because market competition is the most efficient means of ensuring that needs of network users will be met. The underlying network should essentially be a ‘carrier’ – it should operate under a content-neutral regime in which access is available to any entity that can pay for it. The information and forum services would be ‘nodes’ on this network … Each service would have its own unique character and charge its own rates. If a Prodigy-like entity correctly perceives a need for an electronic ‘newspaper’ with strong editorial control, it will draw an audience. Other less hierarchical services will share the network with that ‘newspaper’ yet find their own market niches, varying by format and content. The prerequisite for this kind of competition is a carrier capable of high-bandwidth traffic that is accessible to individuals in every community. Like common carriers, these network carriers should be seen as conduits for the distribution of electronic transmissions. They should not be allowed to change the content of a message or to discriminate among messages. This kind of restriction will require shielding the carriers from legal liabilities for libel, obscenity and plagiarism.”


Mitchell Kapor founded the Lotus Development Corporation and also founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation with WELL (Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link) members John Perry Barlow and John Gilmore in 1990 in direct response to a threat to free speech. He was an outspoken supporter of open access to the Internet, and was asked to speak in many venues about the issue, including Congressional hearings. (Pioneer/Originator.)

Date of prediction: January 1, 1991

Topic of prediction: Controversial Issues

Subtopic: Censorship/Free Speech

Name of publication: Scientific American

Title, headline, chapter name: When Does Hacking Turn From An Exercise of Civil Liberties Into Crime?

Quote Type: Direct quote

Page number or URL of document at time of study:

This data was logged into the Elon/Pew Predictions Database by: Anderson, Janna Quitney