Elon University

Digital Democracy

Mandate online access to government information; allow the private sectors to add value and resell it. Make all federal agencies accessible to the public via e-mail. Foster programs to support telecommuting and shared scientific databases. Encourage the deployment of Integrated Services Digital Network-based services. Avoid the creation of gaps between the information-rich and -poor. Do not subsidize network service providers; subsidize users where appropriate. Find a way to make advertising permissible and useful in the National Information Infrastructure.

Lessons From The Luddites

[Whereever] neo-Luddites may be found, they are attempting to bear witness to the secret little truth that lies at the heart of modern experience: Whatever its presumed benefits, of speed, or ease, or power, or wealth, industrial technology comes at a price, and in the contemporary world that price is ever rising and ever threatening.

Big Brother, Good-Bye

The plugs and jacks and sockets have taken over the telescreen world; the Ministry is dead. Every untilled plug, every unconnected jack, is a loose end, a new entry into the network or an exit from it, a new soap box in Hyde Park, a new podium, a new microphone for poetry or prose, a new screen or telescreen for displaying private sentiment or fomenting sedition, for preaching the gospel, or peddling fresh bread.

Minutes for IAB Teleconference

Turn the Internet into the main communications infrastructure for the next century. What is the main consequence to the architecture?

Executive Summary

The federal government will never be able to invest in infrastructure facilities and services a meaningful fraction of the multibillion-dollar private-sector investment plus the growing investments by state governments in state-based information infrastructure and by all manner of individuals and organizations in local computing, communications, and information access infrastructure. What the federal government can do is focus its own investments and policymaking to gain the maximum leverage and assure the necessary balancing of interests to make sure that the public interest is met.