Elon University

The Future of the Net – As it Pertains to Lawyers

The Net will become more important to more people, as they use it for business and increasingly important personal transactions. This will make disputes over access rights and exclusion much more likely.

The Future of the Net – As it Pertains to Lawyers

There will be more commercial transactions, as opposed to information barter, on the Net. This will lead to a new set of questions regarding electronic contract formation. It will also lead to more disputes.

The Future of the Net – As it Pertains to Lawyers

As the Net grows, there will be an increasing percentage of participants who have no prior experience with computer communications or Net culture, don’t know who they are talking to or where they are, and don’t have complete control over what they are doing. This will lead to more disputes.

The Internet – Where’s It All Going?

Homes will come equipped with LANs that link most appliances, so power companies can adjust electrical peak demand and that enable remote diagnostics to run on computer-controlled devices. Internet services will be readily accessible and interworkable with video services. Computer software will help set up teleconference calls from home, support telecommuting – which will be mandated in more states where pollution from commuting has become a major problem – and enable multi-party games.

Press FAQ: Collaboration and Automatability, Sept 95

It could be that some scientific field will be the first to be sufficiently disciplined to input its data not just as cool hypertext, but in a machine-readable form, allowing programs to wander the globe analyzing and surmising … The knowledge-engineering field has to learn how to be global, and the Web has to learn knowledge engineering, but in the end this might be a way in which again the scientific field leads the world into something very powerful, and a new paradigm shift.