Elon University

The Net: A Brief Tour

The information age we’re creating will be based on computers and the networks that interconnect them … You can even help shape its growth and direction.


Now any company or organization can afford to develop a presence on the world’s largest and, soon-to-be, most accessible computer network. And most importantly, they can do it in their own way without being taxed or held back by the limitations imposed by closed, proprietary systems.

Why the Web and Why NOW!

The telegraph is the ancestor of just about everything modern we know today, and this year it’s 150 years old. I think it’s fitting that this is also the first year that the Internet fully sheds its experimental status and takes its place as a fledgling medium along with print and TV. Like the telegraph, the Internet will surely spawn all kinds of inventions and new ways of doing things, things we can’t imagine today. And someday, strangely enough, our descendants will look back at 1994, the year of the birth of the Internet-as-medium, as the old days and wonder how in the world we ever got by with such primitive technology!

Why the Web and Why NOW!

The Internet is another viable way to force distribution. I would look at it that way, if I were you.

Why the Web and Why NOW!

“Is this is a real medium? Is this something that’s going to last? Is it really going to grow?” My answer to that is another question: “Does it fill a need?” And the answer to that question is – yes.

Why the Web and Why NOW!

Let’s get rid of this idea that we’re trying to create some alternate world that’s going to be completely independent of all the other medias that exist. What we’re really doing right now is learning how the Internet fits in amongst all these existing medias. To integrate the different medias so that they support and coordinate with each other.