Elon University


Digital media could make it possible for people to interact – maybe even changing each other’s minds in the process – something traditional media inhibit throught their addicition to objectivity, spokespeople, and sensationalism … Online news suggests a forum in which it would be easier for fragmented political or racial groups to begin … teaching members of [many] tribes how to communicate and providing them with the simple means of doing so … If one tenet of our age is that information wants to be free, its companion is that media want to tell the truth. Neither information nor media get what they want much of the time; this is one of the great ironies of the information revolution and the sad legacy of the O.J. Simpson trial.

Reality Check

The falsehood of the Internet is that it will provide us with close, meaningful relationships, with cheap, good information and with useful life skills. Within each one of those promises is a grain of truth, but on balance they are simply false.

Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strategic Role for Groupware

There will be critical issues of interoperability within and between our organizations and their knowledge domains. The ever-greater value derived from online, interactive work within a hyperdocument environment will require a significantly higher degree of standardization in document architecture and usage conventions than heretofore contemplated.

Reality Check

In the next 10 years, somebody will figure out how to charge for information over the Net, so you won’t get things necessarily for free. That will have several good effects, including a way to pay authors for their work. And because of the economic incentive, it will become easier to filter out the good from the bad.