Elon University

An Age of Optimism

The information superhighway may be mostly hype today, but it is an understatement about tomorrow. It will exist beyond people’s wildest predictions.

Reality Check

The Internet is not the key to the future. It’s not going to provide great, wonderful information. Instead, it will continue to provide a rather mundane view of our very, very mundane world.

To Dream the Internetworking Dream

The existence of trillions of dollars of business transactions globally that is thus far unenabled by electronic catalogs and auction markets must be keeping product designers up late trying to figure out how to unlock the treasures there.

To Dream the Internetworking Dream

There are four categories of capabilities that are weak or non-existent on the public Internet that need to get fixed before we will see large amounts of company-to-company internetworking. The four areas are security, reliability, billing and navigation. Sure we have some pieces of each, but they all need to be made far more commercial-grade.

To Dream the Internetworking Dream

The trick will be to allow the enterprises to move data into and out of company enterprise networks as freely as they do now internally. I believe that will happen in five years.

To Dream the Internetworking Dream

Thus far we have only seen good internetworking for the computer professionals. The big challenge is to do this for other markets such as entertainment and business-to-business transactions.

20 Million Drive the Information Highway; It’s Time to Open the Internet to Every Computer User, Planners Say

The federal government, which spawned the Internet, has one foot in the organization and one foot out, clouding the issues of governance and, especially, the network’s commercial potential … Major questions, like: “Are any forms of communication to be restricted?” [and] “What about individual privacy rights?” have hardly been discussed, much less resolved. Protection of intellectual property rights is extremely difficult, a situation disliked by those whose primary interest in the information superhighway is commercial, but applauded by advocates of the unrestricted flow of information.

Hypertext and Our Collective Destiny

As we move into the world of mobile code, of secure systems, of network payment, the new principles are being, silently or not, laid down. These principles will define the behavior of a new machine, a new anthill, a new brain, which is the sum of ourselves and our creations. Vannevar Bush’s MEMEX was described as a complex machine. We see it now as a cog in a larger system. We feel fairly proud that we have built MEMEX-like machines. But now we have links, do we know what to do with them? When it comes to designing larger machine, we are still banging the rocks together. But we are at a time of great creativity, of great potential for change for better or worse, and there is a feeling that in fact we may be able to bring our collective teamwork up to a level at which we can ensure our survival.