Elon University


The new world of information was already affecting everyone’s lives. Yet I knew that its present impact paled in comparison to what would be coming in the next several decades. While the media continued to flash old news about information highways, electronic mail, multimedia CD-ROMS, virtual reality, even the Web, newer and more fascinating technologies were already being prototyped in our lab and others around the globe. Meanwhile, the world’s economies were getting ready to surrender a huge chunk of themselves to the activities that would stem from these technologies. And the envisioned activities, in turn, were already raising complex new social issues.

Models for the Internet Local Loop

A key role of the NII must be to provide this service. Creating a data networking environment as ubiquitous and seamless as the telephone network is a critical first step to achieving the promised benefits of the NII … The critical issue facing us now is how to extend Internet access to small users – how to extend the Internet beyond its traditional institutional user community, into small offices and homes … Basic, universal, small-user Internet service should be the same service that larger institutional users already receive: A 24-hour, high-speed, IP (Internet Protocol) “wall plug” at a flat price under $100 per month.

Atheism, Sex, and Databases: The Net as a Social Technology

It is unlikely that social benefits will occur simply as a byproduct of information-centered technology and policies. As the number, size, and heterogeneity of groups continues to grow, so does the need for group tools and the need to understand group governance. Tools and policies directed at individual information processors are not necessarily responsive to group needs … If we remember that access to the net means not only access to information, but access to people, we can provide tools and policies to promote both.