Elon University

The Marc Andreessen Interview Page

You’re going to find that people are going to start viewing the world as…as a concentric circle. In the very core of the circle is yourself, and then you move out from there into the workgroup, across the enterprise, and then to all of your existing customers, to all of your partners and then to all of the broader world, in general, to all of your potential partners and potential customers. It all comes down to a matter of access control: a matter of private domains of activity and public domains of activity and the ability for you to seamlessly jump between all of the different domains that you have access to.

Why Bill Gates Wants to Be the Next Marc Andreessen

Standards are a good thing. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the academics and debates, but the issue is that things have to interoperate on a network. I think the devil’s in the details. Are the standards created from the top down, like interactive TV, or from the bottom up? Is there room for innovation in the process? If there is, then the process is going to be successful.

Publishing Empowerment: Decentralizing Media for Human Potential

With the advent of digital cash, anyone can set up their own stories-serving station – hundreds upon thousands of little self-sufficient magazines, supported by communities of folks who care to share … Reporters will then leave major media, set up their own content-serving stations … We’ll all forget about money, sit around and make art, and tell each other stories, while computers handle all the problems of the world. Why not?