Elon University

As Technology Converges, So Do Technology Companies

We are heading out there toward convergence but nobody has a clue what it’s converging into … But everybody realizes they’ve got to get off their duff … People are looking for the best position.

Adapting ’60s Sensibilities to the Internet

Being on the Internet is a process of reading and writing, so books and publishing should be a real opportunity. And all the wonderful things about the Internet can come later, but if it’s going to grow and spread further, it’s got to be a money-making business.

The Webmaster: Kip Parent

From the first time I saw the Web in March ’93. I believed that it was going to be the information superhighway and that proprietary services were going to die.

How the Internet Came to Be, Part 2

It seems likely that the Internet will continue to be the environment of choice for the deployment of new protocols and for the linking of diverse systems in the academic, government, and business sectors for the remainder of this decade and well into the next.

A Model for Cost Allocation and Pricing in the Internet

While the mechanisms in the Internet seem to work today, the most significant service enhancement would be some means to limit the worst-case behavior of each user, so that the resulting overall service was more stable, and some means to distinguish and separately serve users with very different transfer objectives, so that each could be better satisfied.

The Trends that Will Shape Our Future

The video telephone and the transfer of information into home and office via communication networks … will change the face of communication as we now know it.