Elon University

Beware the Net-heads

The medium is being oversold, our expectations have become bloated, and there’s damned little critical discussion of the implications of an online world.

The Internet and the Anti-Net

Two distinct, interconnected publicly accessible digital internetworks are likely to emerge, which is surely better than just one. One of the future internetworks will grow out of today’s Internet, whose roots are in the technology and scientific/academic communities … The other great internetwork will grow out of the technology and mass communications industries, especially cable and broadcast industries. The “Anti-Net” will rely on advertising revenue to recoup the cost of the infrastructure necessary to create cheap, high-speed bandwidth.

Web Warriors

The Internet is a revolution, jump-started by hypermedia Web browsers, that has the potential to radically transform not just the way individuals go about conducting their business with each other, but also the very essence of what it means to be a human in society.

See No Evil

It’s the beginning of the innovation, and we are witnessing experimentation and play. These sorts of activities will fuel the growth of the next stage of the medium’s development, where it starts to become “useful.”