Elon University

Publishing Models for Internet Commerce

The greatest threat to the original peer-to-peer Internet is probably the World Wide Web. While the Web was originally conceived as a groupware product, the wide success of Windows-based browsers has created a network in which a great many of the participants are no longer able to provide information, but only to consume it.

Farber’s New Year’s Editorial: Move It or Lose It

Unless we continue and expand ultra-high-speed activities we will lose the momentum of industry and academia. We will lose the ability to train a new generation of communication engineers, and, in my mind, we will have failed the next generation of U.S. scientists and entrepreneurs.

Farber’s New Year’s Editorial: Move It or Lose It

If we cease to move forward at this critical time we stand a very good chance of losing our technological leadership in the next century. Our pioneering efforts will transfer to Europe and Asia, with them reaping the commercial benefits of high-speed technology.

Time to Get Thinking

What is more important … is the challenge of facing a future in which gigabit-speed networking will be considered slow, in which our communication infrastructure will consist of multi-gigabit, low error, high-latency networks, in which our processing units, while growing faster, will not keep up with increasing communication speeds.

The Year 2010: Internet to the Toaster

Continued development of ever-more-powerful hardware and software, allowing easier and faster access to vast resources of information and entertainment, will within 15 years make the Internet nearly as ubiquitous and pervasive as the telephone is today.

School’s Out: The Hyperlearning Revolution Will Replace Public Education

The majority of the future “workforce” is destined to be made up of contractors and consultants, including temporaries and part-timers, whose role is more one of “supplier” than “employee.” As intellectual property becomes more central to the valuation of businesses, and as most “production” work is eventually taken over by machines, workers in most fields will want compensation in the form of “points” and “residuals”: that is, a share in the ownership of capital.