Elon University

Issues in the Development of Community Cooperative Networks

[One benefit of a community BBS] would be that the community and parents could dial in for school-related information. Student-to-student, student-to-librarian, parent-to-teacher, or student-to-teacher communications would be available from the home via local phone calls. A loaner laptop program could provide initial home-access experiences for local citizens. The community outreach potential for schools has many advantages, such as involving community expertise in making K-12 education immediately relevant to real-world community needs.

Issues in the Development of Community Cooperative Networks

Reliable, convenient, and purposeful communications with 40 million Internet users is possible without full Internet access. Internet messages stored on a local BBS for nightly transfer via high-speed modems can bring e-mail benefits virtually identical in most ways to expensive full Internet access … For the purposes of building global communities of learning or trading based on interacting regularly with experts, the global Internet is within reach for any community member on a shoestring budget … The potential is limited only by imagination, and for this fundamental level of connectivity, costs and bandwidth are virtually non-issues.

Issues in the Development of Community Cooperative Networks

The ability to access sources of highly specific expertise and to manufacture this knowledge into unique information products and courses of action is likely to be key to future commercial success for individuals as well as businesses. Perhaps those who collaborate best to share information with others will be the most successful entrepreneurs, a key national resource … The nations that first establish a high degree of citizen “teleliteracy” may well become the new global economic leaders. Thus, successful implementation of the economic potential of networking must emphasize the development of these skills.

Issues in the Development of Community Cooperative Networks

Locally accessible low-cost community networks allow any community to provide training opportunities for its citizens that are targeted toward community strengths and the best potential economic opportunities … Training provided by the federal government would not be likely to have a local focus on a community’s most promising opportunities or necessarily reflect a budget-sensitive approach.