Elon University

Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age

The central event of the 20th century is the overthrow of matter É The powers of mind are everywhere ascendant over the brute force of things. As humankind explores this new electronic frontier of knowledge, it must confront again the profound questions of how to organize itself for the common good. The meaning of freedom, structures of self-government, definition of property, nature of competition, conditions for cooperation, sense of community and nature of progress will each be redefined for the Knowledge Age – just as they were redefined for a new age of industry some 250 years ago.

The History of the Future

The network eliminates the need for big organizations. Individuals can get on, create information and sell it without the need for any company to support them. This totally changes the options for retired people and those who hate working for someone else. This has a major impact on the structure of the information industry, including newspapers, etc.

The History of the Future

The network makes it possible to have complex relationships with individuals and groups of people all over the globe. The workplace and even the home may not be the focal point of oneÕs social interactions. Virtual corporations will come into existence on a regular basis. None of these changes will be trouble-free.

The History of the Future

IÕd like to lift us out of the warm bath of self-congratulation in which we have been wallowing and speculate about the future. In my bleaker view, what was once our little pride and joy will be taken over by commercial institutions that have little interest in the kind of interpersonal and intergroup communications that has thus far dominated network usage. Commercial exploitation of all sorts will be forced into every nook and cranny, just as it is on todayÕs television.

The History of the Future

ItÕs not clear in the National Information Infrastructure thereÕs going to be anyone around who knows enough about all the pieces to make something work or, if something goes wrong, to fix it. The challenge is how to prevent that scenario from becoming the showstopper.

The History of the Future

There will be a huge increase in video on the network. In the corporation, the emphasis will be on video messaging. Computers are currently used for two things: computing and nonreal-time messaging. In the future, they will be used for a third thing: real-time communications.

Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age

The Third Wave sector includes not only high-flying computer and electronics firms and biotech start-ups; it embraces advanced, information-driven manufacturing in every industry … The people in this sector will soon be the dominant constituency in American politics.

The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action.

The NII could be used to create an “electronic commons” and promote public interest in the following ways: Community Access Networks: Grass-roosts networks are springing up all over the country, providing citizens with a wide range of information services. The National Information Infrastructure should expand a citizenÕs capacity for action in local institutions, as it must honor regional differences and the culture diversity of AmericaÕs heritage É Dissemination of government information: The free flow of information between the government and the public is essential to the democratic society. Improvements in the National Information Infrastructure provide a tremendous opportunity to improve the delivery of government information É Universal access: The NII must be used to bring Americans together, as opposed to allowing a further polarization between information “haves” and “have nots.”

The National Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action.

The National Information Infrastructure will help create high-wage jobs, stimulate economic growth, enable new products and services, and strengthen AmericanÕs technological leadership. Whole new industries will be created, and the infrastructure will be used in ways we can only begin to imagine.