Elon University

A Free and Simple Computer Link

Browsing represents a form of advertising that is noninvasive and that seems to fit well with the culture of the Internet, whose users tend to be easily infuriated by electronic junk mail. “I’m convinced that very quickly we’ll have a new Madison Avenue kind of industry devoted to this style of advertising,” said Tony Rutkowski.

For Shakespeare, Just Log On

“Information retrieval technology is starting to spread from supercomputers all the way down to personal computers,” said Brewster Kahle … In the future, a special directory or “white pages” will keep an up-to-date list of all the separate sources on the network.

For Shakespeare, Just Log On

Mitchell Kapor, the founder of the Lotus Development Corporation, predicts the growth of a new industry as significant as the personal computer business.

A New Information Mass Market

People are just beginning to realize the implications of the fact that anything can be digitized … The Internet is the universal communications medium of the future.

Bet on the Well-Connected in Cable Channel Contest

The future, in my opinion, does not lie in the cable networks. The future is in the Internet, which is 100 percent democratic. … Hopefully, the (cable industry) Goliath is going to get hit in the head with a stone, the stone being the Internet.